Be it bumper to bumper traffic, or a ride to Grandma's house-- long car rides can do a number on any group of people, specifically families. The following is a list of some car games to consider playing with the whole gang!
The ABC Game is popular with a younger crowd, as it only requires knowledge of the alphabet. To play, each person in the car must try and complete the entire alphabet by identifying letters they see on license plates or billboards. When a letter is located, it is called out, and then eliminated. The first person to complete the entire alphabet wins.
A fun game that I especially enjoy is called "Word Justifying". One person in the car is the leader, and the others are the players. Each person thinks of a word. The players announce their words first, and then the leader announces his word at the end. The players then each take turns justifying why their word is most related to the leader's word. A winner is chosen, and the winner becomes the new leader.
When you are driving for a long period of time in the country or in other rural areas, it may be fun to play games involving the animals you see along the way. Assign points to each kind of animal. For instance, cows are worth two points, cats worth one, farm animals worth four or five, and so on. The first person in the car that reaches twenty is the winner.
Variations on twenty questions can always be fun, and occupy lots of time. Someone in the car chooses to be a person, place, or thing. Everyone else in the car can ask that person up to twenty 'yes or no' questions about it in the hopes of narrowing down their guesses enough to the point where they can figure it out! Whoever guesses correctly is the next person to be grilled.
Music games can be fun, and also test trivia knowledge in the car. Someone hums a part of a television show theme or score to a movie, and everyone else takes turns guessing which song it is. Whoever guesses correctly is next! For older or more enthusiastic players, try seeing who can recite all the lyrics to a song instead of guessing the title.
The Cow Game is another classic, and can be altered easily based on what's most fun. Ideally, the car is split into sides, and each side counts as many cows on their end as possible. Whenever a cemetery is passed, the side of the car it is on loses all their points and has to start over. Whoever has the most points by the end wins!
Car Games
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