Motor homes are very popular amusements for wealthy people, because not only is it a vehicle, it's also a livable space. With gas prices rising as they have been, however, they're not as affordable because they're so large and it takes more gasoline to move them. Some motor home companies are conscious of this fact, and therefore they compete with one another to get the best motor home gas mileage. Regardless of what option you choose, it's expensive, being a motor home but it's still very worth looking into if you own and drive a motor home.
The first motor home is a Fleetwood. This is a very solid company well-known for making quality motor homes. The mileage on it is quite slim - less than 7 miles. The length of the entire vehicle is 40 feet, and is very solidly constructed. The towing vehicle is a Ford, so there's little worry for quality there. Anything Ford-constructed is going to be very resilient and durable, and the engine in the towing vehicle is high-quality. Overall a good choice for a motor home even if it's lower on gas mileage than the rest. Generally people are going to look at gas mileage first these days when buying a vehicle of any sort, even a motor home.
The next one, a Four Winds model, is built by Dodge, another American company. This motor home has excellent mileage, at 16-17 miles per gallon. It's not known just how it gets that much distance, but apparently the motor home isn't as large as some of the others seen. Also, the ride is very smooth - some motor homes can be bumpy depending on the surface, but this one is a little more cushioned in the tires. Dodge's products are very dependable, much like Ford's, but Dodge, it seems, has better gas mileage, which is a very important thing in today's economy.
A third one that we looked at is another Ford model. It gets approximately 12-15 miles per gallon, which is an average amount. This is a very comfortable home with lots of amenities. It travels on the road quite smoothly, with few problems maneuvering or turning even on the toughest of mountain roads. This Ford model is best for its maneuverability, but as far as gas mileage it's not the very best that could be found - there are other motor homes with more.
These three motor homes have slightly differing motor home gas mileage, all pretty much within the same range give or take a few miles. If you're trying to pick the one with the best gas mileage, go with Four Winds, for almost 30 miles per gallon. The Fleetwood is the most solidly constructed, and the other Ford model is the most luxurious. It all depends on your preference, but the Four Winds has the most motor home gas mileage. As motor homes these days take a lot to maintain and run them, gas mileage is probably your most important concern when deciding to make a purchase or trade-in.
Motorhome Gas Mileage - Now More of a Concern Than Ever
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